Apache HTTP Server

Apache HTTP Server

The Apache Software Foundation - 6.61MB (Open Source)


Apache HTTP Server is a Web server application that is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the guise of The Apache Software Foundation.

The application is available for a wide variety of operating systems, including Unix, Linux, OS X and Microsoft Windows.

Apache supports a plethora of features, many of which are implemented as compiled modules that can extend the core functionality. These range from server-side programming language support to authentication schemes.


  • Common language interfaces support Perl, Python, Tcl, and PHP.
  • Configurable error messages.
  • DBMS-based authentication databases, and content negotiation.
  • Several different types of GUI Support.
  • Password authentication and digital certificate authentication.

The source code is freely available so anybody can adapt the server for their specific needs. Also there is a huge public library of Apache add-ons.